International Conference on Information Resources Management 2012

Viena, Austria  - Mayo 2012

Entre el 21 y 23 de Mayo de 2012 asistí a la Conferencia Internacional sobre Gestión de Recursos de la Información, Conf-irm 2012. Pude presentar un working paper titulado “The Evolution of the CIO Profile: Evidence from Chile” que escribimos con mis colegas Ariel La Paz y Sigifredo Laengle. Estuvo muy interesante la discusión con los colegas de Europa y USA, especialmente por los consejos de mejora al paper.

Demás está decir que la ciudad de Viena es preciosa. Tuve la oportunidad de ir al teatro, ver la opera The Flying Dutchman de Richard Wagner. Asimismo, pude visitar la ciudad, la cual se puede recorrer en pocos días aún cuando siempre es posible encontrar algo nuevo.

Una breve explicación sobre la temática de la conferencia a continuación:

The International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM) is an affiliated conference of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). It provides a peer-reviewed forum for researchers from across the globe to share contemporary research on developments in the fields of information systems and information management. It seeks to promote effective and vibrant networking among researchers and practitioners from around the world who are concerned about the effective management of information resources in organizations.

This network of researchers views fostering the development of emerging scholars in the information systems and information management fields as its primary task. Consequently the conference is designed to provide a venue for researchers to get substantive and beneficial feedback on their work. Conf-IRM builds on the traditions of the Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) Conferences. Under new leadership, the IRMA Conference has been re-positioned and is now known as Conf-IRM.
